Emails are free for the consumer, whereas texting may incur a charge.
Emails have far more space for content than text messages, allowing for better marketing pieces.
It works on mobile devices other than phones
It's Effective
Email marketing is very effective at helping business owners and consumers stay connected. In fact, consumers often seek out email marketing campaigns from their favorite brands and local stores. This goes beyond coupons (which we’ll discuss next).
Nielsen reported that 28% of US online shoppers subscribe to store or product emails in order to stay informed.
A 2013 study by the Relevancy Group noted that marketers who add video to their email campaigns see an average rise in revenue of 40%.
easy to reach your customers
It works on mobile devices other than phones
Emails are free for the consumer, whereas texting may incur a charge
Emails have far more space for content than text messages, allowing for better marketing pieces.